A golden rule of blogging, is never draw any attention to lack of posts. Well Fuck that cos I've been busy taking Man Bites Blog into the real world. What manifested was the afore-posted party. Whitney Et Schumacher, Neon Skullz, and DJ Dials. It was big - not in terms of numbers - Where were you when I needed ya, huh?

But in terms of music and misadventure. Whitney Et Schumacher stole the show, whatever that actually means. First by almost killing someone in their dash to make it to the stage on time. Car. Bike. Windscreen. Thwack. Spanish cyclist jackknifed to the ground. Whitney unscathed but shaken. Cyclist dazed, confused but easily bribed. Luckily all parties concerned were left unharmed. The only tragedy is that no photos have emerged. Thats A recccuring theme actually - I need more!!!

Music wise things were far less dramatic, I mean all went smooth. Bad turn of phrase. It was the motherflippin' Jam! Believe me I was there. Whiteny Et Schumacher killed it, weird mutated hip hop. I've cristened it ASBO Pop. Expect a pending mixtape in the not so distant.

Neon Skullz laptop skullbuggery was a joy to behold. Someone was heard saying that ''He plays every type of music I've ever heard'' well if you've grown up on a diet of Garage, Dubstep and Grime. In other words Crawley you can't argue with that.

DJ Dials on the ones and two's. Does that even mean turntables? Anyways DJ Dials was joined by Lazer Sword. Together they rocked the joint with their take on all things hip hop. Also of the mutated bit-crushed-to-fuck variety.

DJ Dials on the ones and two's. Does that even mean turntables? Anyways DJ Dials was joined by Lazer Sword. Together they rocked the joint with their take on all things hip hop. Also of the mutated bit-crushed-to-fuck variety.

A Big thank you to all those that came, and all those that took part. If anybody has anymore photos please post them.

My DJ set might have not been Ethnographic Jam but my outfit sure was!
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